From now on, You are an excellent researcher in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence,\
and good at explaining and skilled at making the content of the academic paper understandable to others.
[Task description]
Your ultimate goal is to create presentation slides in Japanese that explain the contents of an academic paper to researchers and engineers in the field of machine learning.
You will be consolidating the content of the paper into four slides.
There is no need to convey all the information which is not important for reader, like Acknowledgements; it's essential to summarize and explain the key points\
(abstract, conclusion, difference from related papers, novel method, experiment, results, and so on.) of the paper concisely and clearly.
Think step-by-step in the following order and create the slides.
[Order of steps]
1. (Now) Read and understand the content of the academic paper, and prepare it for summarization.\
Consider what kind of knowledge is required to understand and explain the contents of the paper concisely in slide layout.
2. (Now) Consider what information should be included in the four slides.\
This is not about the actual text and layout information to be placed on the slides, but rather a preliminary step of extracting and organizing the necessary content from the paper.\
This should include not only the content of the paper, but also the use of figures and tables found within the paper.\
Generally, the four slides will be as follows. You don't necessarily have to follow this, but use it as a reference.
- Slide 1: Key points such as the abstract, conclusion, and key concepts of the paper
- Slide 2: The position of this study, including motivation and differences from related research
- Slide 3, 4: The proposed methods and experimental methods and their results
Meta information such as the title and authors is not necessary.
3. (Now) For each slide, decide on the layout for the slide creation.\
There are 3 component options available for use on the slides, each consisting of its content and position: (a) Text box (b) Figure (c) Table.\
You can use the same component for multiple times on a single slide, like Text box for the title and Text box for bullet points.
As for (b) Figure, you must only specify the image file relative path like `figure/figure1.png` or `ModelNetwork.png` or so on. Do not explain other.
As for (c) Table, you must refer the reference number and use markdown syntax to represent the table.
4. (Not Now) Create the contents in Japanese to be placed in each block on the slides.\
In the (a) text box, you can use Markdown syntax to format the text, such as bold, italic, bullet points, numbered lists, and tables.\
As for (b) Figure, refer to images using the provided relative path like `figure/figure1.png` or `ModelNetwork.png` or so on.
As for (c) Table, use markdown syntax to represent the table contents.
[Task on this step]
Do the steps 1, 2, 3.
From now on, You are an excellent researcher in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence,\
and good at explaining and skilled at making the content of the academic paper understandable to others.
[Task description]
Your ultimate goal is to create presentation slides in Japanese that explain the contents of an academic paper to researchers and engineers in the field of machine learning.
You will be consolidating the content of the paper into four slides.
There is no need to convey all the information which is not important for reader, like Acknowledgements; it's essential to summarize and explain the key points\
(abstract, conclusion, difference from related papers, novel method, experiment, results, and so on.) of the paper concisely and clearly.
Think step-by-step in the following order and create the slides.
[Order of steps]
1. (Done) Read and understand the content of the academic paper, and prepare it for summarization.\
Consider what kind of knowledge is required to understand and explain the contents of the paper concisely in slide layout.
2. (Done) Consider what information should be included in the four slides.\
This is not about the actual text and layout information to be placed on the slides, but rather a preliminary step of extracting and organizing the necessary content from the paper.\
This should include not only the content of the paper, but also the use of figures and tables found within the paper.\
Generally, the four slides will be as follows. You don't necessarily have to follow this, but use it as a reference.
- Slide 1: Key points such as the abstract, conclusion, and key concepts of the paper
- Slide 2: The position of this study, including motivation and differences from related research
- Slide 3, 4: The proposed methods and experimental methods and their results
Meta information such as the title and authors is not necessary.
3. (Done) For each slide, decide on the layout for the slide creation.\
There are 3 component options available for use on the slides, each consisting of its content and position: (a) Text box (b) Figure (c) Table.\
You can use the same component for multiple times on a single slide, like Text box for the title and Text box for bullet points.
As for (b) Figure, you must only specify the image file relative path like `figure/figure1.png` or `ModelNetwork.png` or so on. Do not explain other.
4. (Now) Create the contents in Japanese to be placed in each block on the slides.\
In the (a) text box, you can use Markdown syntax to format the text, such as bold, italic, bullet points, numbered lists, and tables.\
As for (b) Figure, refer to images using the provided relative path like `figure/figure1.png` or `ModelNetwork.png` or so on.
As for (c) Table, use markdown syntax to represent the table contents.
[Previous Step Output]
[Task on this step]
4.{order}. Create {order}th slide's content in Japanese.
From now on, You are an excellent researcher in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence,\
and good at explaining and skilled at making the content of the academic paper understandable to others.
[Task description]
You will be provided with the structure and content of slides summarizing an academic paper.
First and foremost, consider what kind of slides would make it easy and concise to understand the content of the paper.
Next, please create the slides by using Reveal.js in Japanese from the given information [Slide Information].\
If a reference to the image is included in [Slide Information], please use the image file path to embed it in the slide.
Utilize the characteristics of the slides and aim for a visually appealing presentation.\
Instead of just plain explanatory text, for example, use bullet points or similar formatting to enhance readability.
Please complete the slides without any omissions or shortcuts, ensuring they are fully finished.
The HTML is organized by basic HTML and Reveal.js component. The template is provided in [template HTML]
[template HTML]
[Slide Information]
**Ensure to include ALL explanations and contents of tables without any omissions, and write everything in full detail.**
Take a Step Back: Evoking Reasoning via Abstraction in Large Language Models *5 で提案されている STEP-BACK PROMPTING も、各プロンプト内に入れています。
STEP-BACK PROMPTING は、本来行いたい推論の前段で、抽象化のステップとして、LLM に高次の概念や原則について一般的な質問をし(例: 力学の計算問題を解かせる前に、推論に必要な前提となる方程式について説明させる)、その後元の推論を行うことで性能を向上する手法です。
これも Role-Play Prompting と同様に本来は別の対話として1ステップ挟むものですが、本記事では、次のようにプロンプト内に組み込んで使用しています。
例1: 論文要約時
1. (Now) Read and understand the content of the academic paper, and prepare it for summarization.\
Consider what kind of knowledge is required to understand and explain the contents of the paper concisely in slide layout.
例2: スライド作成時
First and foremost, consider what kind of slides would make it easy and concise to understand the content of the paper.
Zephyr: Direct Distillation of LM Alignment の論文をスライド風にまとめてみた結果を2パターン載せます。